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    A few Icelandic companies offer whale watching. Around 20 species of whale can be found in the sea surrounding the country, but the most common is the beaked whale, the hump-backed whale, dolphins, and a few others. Whale watching is an incredible experience for people of all ages.

    Other (7)

    Harpa Yachts Ægisgarður 5G 101 Reykjavík 7797779
    Reykjavik Excursions BSÍ Bus Terminal 101 Reykjavík 580-5400
    HappyHorses Skipasund 6 104 Reykjavík 863-7038
    Gray Line Iceland Klettagarðar 4 104 Reykjavík 540-1313
    Absorb Iceland Rósarimi 1 112 Reykjavík 695-5566
    Simply Iceland Stekkjarhvammur 33 220 Hafnarfjörður 698-9687
    Exploring Iceland Fálkastígur 2 225 Garðabær 519-1555